PHOTOS COURTESY OF NATE DEFENSORfor sale, We teach ancestral, traditional, classical and modern methodology of Filipino Ma. OR CONTACT US TO HOST A SEMINAR NEAR YOU.Defensor (center, standing) with his students during an FMA gathering. AT OUR HEADQUARTERS FROM 7:30-9:00PM. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHT. Where the Combat Essentials of the Filipino/Indonesian Martial Arts Come Together. FCS-KALI / FILIPINO COMBATIVES.
A djuru can have many interpretations or can have a common theme. The djurus (also spelled jurus, djuroes), pentjak-silat version of forms is akin to FMA’s sayaw, anyos, and seguidas. The cross step or the sempok/dempok is the same in both kali and silat. In Pentjak-Silat’s Harimau System, albeit adept in stand-up fighting, ground fighting is their bread and butter.
Silat’s concepts of buah and bunga is similar to escrima’s countering drills as in lock and block in serrada, numerado/numerada in kali, lock flow in dumog/buno, batalyas in Moro-Moro and pakgang/grouping as practiced in Balintawak. It is a form of counter for counter. Commonalities exist in drills example is sambut or sambutan, which is similar or akin to sumbrada in kali-escrima. Movement-wise, one can easily tie them together in most cases.
Thus the spiritual environment is different. Not to go deeply into details, the Southeast Asian varieties of kali and silat does not have a Shaolin Temple equivalent or a Samurai code. The Japanese with its Samurai codes, Shintoism, Buddhism and the Korean and Okinawan with its Chinese influences.Silat and kali in the past were village-based and/or familial-based arts taught and proliferated locally amongst its practitioners. The Chinese arts have the Wu-Dang and the Shaolin deeply entrenched in its philosophies.
The kali taught by Grandmaster Floro Villabrille came from island of Samar and the kali-escrima taught by GM Juanito LaCoste came from Mindanao and Visayas, although among Stockton Filipinos, he was more known by referring to his art as escrima according to some Stockton instructors.Not to get into a debate over names, regionally, kali-escrima-arnis basically cultivated or experienced growth and development initially in the Philippines. The same with kali-escrima-arnis. The silat/pentjak-silat connection is more Muslim/Mohameddan in majority of Indonesia, Mindanao and Malaysia with some Hindu spiritual influences in Bali.In terms of geography, silat/pentjak-silat spread into parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and parts of Philippines in the beginning.
We have produced 16 individuals in Mexico that are able to teach the Defensor Method Level 1 curriculum and in the process of finishing Level 2 material. I do have students who learn online, practice among themselves and successfully tested for the material being offered in Defensor Method. One can get real creative with the online approach these days.
But there is definite growth. The Philippines, or the world for that matter. I do not know how many practitioners in America vs. But overall, in my opinion the combination of online lessons with hands on lessons can be quite an effective tool for learning.FT: The FMA has experienced tremendous growth in America, do you see the United States as the second home of arnis, escrima and kali?ND: Yes. But the combination of online lessons and good training partners can be effective for some folks. It is akin to watching film versus actually playing a game in sports.
It involves communication, proficiency level, understanding, and a lot of encouragement. FMA is experiencing some growth and America is starting to like the Filipino flavor.FT: You’ve been teaching for quite some time, in your opinion what is a good martial arts teacher?ND: In my own humble opinion, a good teacher is one that can communicates well. Nowhere is it near the growth proportion of mixed martial arts or even the more popular ones like muay thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, or krav maga.
You can verbally, visually, and guide the body/mind in many ways. So in martial arts, an older person can be a good teacher, albeit diminished skills. But let me also point out that the best coaches in any sport does not have to be in the prime of their life.
But consensus will show that a good combination of good qualities, good material, good communication, good rapport, good standards of excellence, good location, good lineage, good demeanor, good credentials, good reputation are all recipes for success in this business of teaching martial arts. One can learn from anybody, generally as in life.