My jumper (A and G) is putting the Groung to Bidirectional Data Lead and I have no idea what it should do, no idea if the bridge A-G on alarm ALDL should be there.Īlarm_ALDL_drawing. Then to make a bridge between A and H (on picture A is the ground terminal left side first at bottom, H is the Alarm controller terminal 5 on right side). I found this description (see photo) on service manual, section ML, where it's written that THERE IS an existing bridging link, but does not say which pins are shorted! So, maybe the jumper was on wrong connector. On my S4 there are no parking sockets for this 2 connectors, they are floating in the air (I am sure because I have removed the alarm system controller from behind the glove box, and I remained surprised when I did not find the parking sockets!). The jumper on your SIR/ABS ALDL is between A and G like the bridge I found in my car? Of course should Freescan or your laptop have problems, maybe you will be glad you have this bridge, so maybe keep it "just in case", but make sure you correct its wiring first ! -) So since you have Freescan, you don't need this bridging plug anymore. and shorted the wrong pin ! And he also forgot to unplug the bridge before selling the car to you -) I assume Lotus sells this bridge for too much, some previous owner tried to make his own to save money. In this connector are two terminals that need to be connected with a wire jumper.
The bridge should normally connect pin A and B, not A and G ! To start diagnostic trouble code gathering locate the ALDL (assembly line data link) connector which is located on the driver’s side lower part of the dash on most cases. Only problem is that as you say, and as shows your pic, the bridge you have here connects pins A and G, which actually grounds the ALDL line ! So no wonder that Freescan can't connect to the ECU, it is muted ! -) It's a poor man's freescan if you will -) What you have is a nice bridging plug which is used to switch the ECU into diagnostic mode, in this mode, the ECU will use the CEL (by blinking it) to indicate trouble codes. If it passes the above test, the hardware has passed a basic minimal test.It's all explained in your workshop manual, please see section EMH1 page 9 (talks about the bridging plug you have here) and EMH4 page 5 (which explicits the wiring of the ECU and ALDL plug) If your cable fails the above test, it will almost certainly need to come back to us for repair.